Fairy Tail app game Wikia

Previous Evolution

Base Stats

Qualification: S-

Type of Boost: Magic

The base stats for a level one card are as follows:

Life 8373
Defense 528
Attack 2237
Magic 2521


Celestial Spirit Magic

Attacks a single target


Multiple Summon

Attacks two random targets


Name Characters/Equpiment Boost
Sabertooth Rufus, Minerva Magic 33%
D. Spirit Lucy, Angel Attack 28%
Instead Minerva Defense 25%
C. Gravity Libra, Pisces Life 28%
B. Contract B.W. Necklace Attack 28%
S. shine M.S. Sword Defense 20%


Attacks up 2

Attack power increased 10%

Up life 2

Life increased by 10%

Dodge up 2

Dodge rate increased by 6%

Magic growth 2

increase skill damage by 15%

Damage Potential 2

When life is less than 50% damage is increased by 10%
