Fairy Tail app game Wikia

Previous Evolution

Base Stats[]

Qualifications: SS

Type of Boost: Magic

The base stats for a level one card are as follows:

Life 8593
Defense 579
Attack 2263
Magic 3328



Attacks two targets (with the least amount of health)


Magical Barrier Particles[]

Attack three target


Name Characters/Equipment Boost
Zeref-D4 Zeref Attack 26%
Experiment Silver Defense 24%
Tartaros Jackal, Silver Attack 29%
D.glory Devil Ring Attack 28%
HellSong Purgatory Armor Magic 32%
Devilheart Demon Sword Defense 32%


Bloodthirsty 3[]

When using normal attacks to defeat an enemy, the vampire effect temporarily

Destroy 4[]

Each killed an enemy in battle, increasing attack power by 5% (up to 5 rounds)

God Armor 5[]

Suffered damage reduced by 25%

Vampiric Aura 6[]

All the players additional attack ordinary life lessons 20%

Magic 6[]

Damage increased by 30%
