Fairy Tail app game Wikia

Previous Evolution  

Base Stats[]

Qualification: SS

Type of Boost: Magic

The base stats for a level one card are as follows:

Life 8207
Defense 538
Attack 2185
Magic 2630


Urano Metria[]

Attack all target, 40 % chance to add the frozen state


Normal Whip[]

Attack a single target


Name Characters/Equpiment Boost
Christmas C. Erza, C. Juvia Life 36 %
L. E. C. Erza Attack 26 %
L. Z. C. Juvia Attack 26 %
G. Guard Gold Crown Attack 32 %
G. Wing Gold Wing Defense 32%
G. Law Gold Armor Magic 32 %


Life Aura 3[]

All team members life increased by 15 % in battle

Up life 5[]

Life increased by 25%

Sputter 5[]

General attack on the horizontal target additional 35 % splash damage

Defense up 7[]

Defense increased by 35 %

Defense Aura 8[]

Defense increased by 16 % of all team members
